Visible and Invisible Issues
Sometimes, when a garage door breaks, you can tell immediately what the issue is. A dangling chain, smoking motor, or roller off the track is a dead giveaway to the needed repair. But sometimes the broken piece is harder to detect. A door that is moving slowly could be due to a motor that is currently burning out, a trolley that isn't rolling smoothly, worn cables, or a number of other things. A slow door that is also making a lot of noise indicates that there are pieces that are rubbing against each other which puts a lot of strain on your motor. Bent or rusty tracks or a misaligned trolley could be behind your slow and noisy door. If your door won't move at all, even manually, you could have a broken spring that's not relieving the weight of the door. Springs are essential for your door to lift and lower, so a broken spring is a priority if you want your door to work again. If your door is moving appropriately but keeps trying to open again, you could have an electrical issue such as a faulty close limit switch, or the issue could be that your close limit switch was installed at the wrong point. A trained technician can handle any of these garage door repair issues with ease, so don't hesitate to give us a call at the first sign of a problem.
Professional Assistance
Allow the professionally trained technicians at Garage Door Repair North Saint Paul to diagnose your door and repair it for you with a quick, courteous service visit. We have decades of experience and you can count on us for reliable service every time. Schedule your appointment today and get back on the road with the care you deserve from professionals you can trust.